WCEU2020 official tune announcement image including a photo of its creator: antiheroe.com

Introducing the official tune of WCEU 2020 Online

Once upon a time, there was a restless boy who talked to the sheep

After spending all of his childhood painting – even on the walls of his parents’ house – this restless boy moved to Barcelona where he gave free rein to all his creative potential as an illustrator, designer and animator.

In recent times this boy has learned to play the piano and, letting his creativity flow, he’s been inventing new tunes every day.

It is said that his superpowers for 3D creation, animation, audio and video composition, and even for code, come from his great connection to squirrels, sheep and raccoons.

This is the person behind the tune you will hear throughout the live broadcast of WCEU 2020 Online.

His real name is Angel de Franganillo, but everybody knows him as Antiheroe. He told us about the creative process behind the WCEU 2020 Online tune:

When WCEU asked me to make the tune, it was a bit challenging since I only play piano for fun and I’m not a professional. I usually work with graphics, so I just follow the process I’d use for a graphics project, but with an audio piece.

After some research and talks with WCEU, my main goals were: Tech, Europe, and Community. So I sat down in front of my piano to play some chords that suited those concepts and made a loop with them. Later, I looked for some synths to dress the loop and finish the piece.

That’s how it was made. I hope you enjoy it and thanks for the opportunity.

You can check out Angel’s work at antiheroe.com and follow him on:
Instagram / Twitter / Dribble / Behance / LinkedIn